Razanne ambasciatrice di valori? Il successo della Barbie col velo.
Giovanni Carullo
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Stimolato dal successo delle "Barbie" islamiche in appendice alla mia tesi di laurea

Il successo delle Barbie islamiche :
il giocattolo come strumento di riappropriazione identitaria
o come mezzo di inclusione nelle logiche globali del mercato?

ho riportato la seguente intervista  realizzata in data 19.12.2005 con questionario via e-mail a Mr Noor Saadeh, responsabile della Noorart, ditta produttrice della bambola Razanne, che ha sede a Dallas, Texas, Usa.

- When did u decided to produce Razanne?

I believe we released the first prototype either late in 1999 or early 2000.

- Why did u choose a muslim doll?

We wanted to produce a doll that our daughters could better indentify with. A large part of the mission of Noorart is to produce and offer products that help our children better understand Islam and develop pride, identity and self-esteem as Muslims.  Seeing so many of our little girls receiving Barbie Dolls at gift-giving occasions, we wanted to at least offer an alternative toy that focused on the importance of modesty and gave more attention to character rather than physical attributes and fashion.

- Why, in your opinion Mr. Noor, until Razanne noone had got the idea to produce
a similar doll?

Many people had the idea but not the determination. Also we were the first Islamic company to focus exclusively on the needs of children so it's kind of logical we have the first.

- Do muslim girls love to play with dolls? and what kind of doll they
prefer before Razanne?

It seems all little girls love dolls, whether they are baby dolls or fashion dolls like Barbie.  It's important to note that statistically, girls role-model with dolls - another reason why we thought it to vital to produce a doll whose attributes were not limited to figure, face and fashion!  I think most of us can see the limiting impact of fashion dolls on the minds of girls everywhere. We want out girls to believe there's more to them  than just a pretty face!

- Is Razanne a product for Muslim girls living in Usa or is it also for girls living in muslim countries?

Razanne is a doll that speaks to Muslims everywhere - just as Barbie has quite a global impact, so it is for Razanne. Our initial mission was to produce and retail products for Muslims living in the West, but we are having more international sales every year and have distributors in Great Britain, Germany, The Middle East and the Far East.

- Do u think there are differences for a product and market strategies
direct to Usa muslim girls and one for girls living in muslim

As we hear the term "global village" so frequently these days and with the growth of English as a world language, the entire world is becoming one large market place.  Initially we thought it so important to provide Western alternatives to our kids living in America, but now America is everywhere, thanks or regrettably to techonlogy such the internet and satellite communications (probably a bit of both!).

Also from the first, Razanne was offered in different ethnicites - also reflecting Islamic diversity. Our very first release to test the market offered Razanne with Caucasian,  Middle Eastern (including Arab world, India, Indonesia, etc) and African features

- How many dolls did u sell up today in Usa, other countries and in
muslim ones?

Our largest market remains in the U.S. Unlike Fulla which was produced by a mainstream toy company, Razanne was developed, produced and marketed by a husband and wife team!  Needless to say, we do not have the capital to market and distribute Razanne as Fulla, thanks to the parent company.

- Do u think there are differences from Razanne and Fulla that's made
in muslim countries?

Again, Fulla was able to hit the stands with full advertising and a long line of accessories. Something we still hope to do for Razanne one day.  We have been fortunate that in being the first, we drew a lot of attention and people continue to come to us for interviews and such. Fulla, unlike Razanne, was immediately able to capitalize and commercialize her success. Also it's far easier to give people what they want rather than what they need. 

Razanne is more a statement and a mission than just a toy. She is our little "Ambassdor of Islam". She's dressed modestly yet contrary to what so many believe (even some Muslims!), she can succeed at and enjoy anything that any other little girl can.  She is always dressed modestly, she's happy and she's expecting that you will accept her on her terms - her character, her values, her mind!

Thats it Giovanni. I guess the last word is that  changing the mindset of people is a much bigger goal than just making sales.  We wish the producers of Fulla all the best and hope to see even more companies following suit in the future.

giovanni carullo
email: giovannicar@infinito.it  

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