In Europa - Cultural Diversity - European Citizenship - Young European Mobility - Apr 14, 2000
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Da:: "antonio limonciello"
Data:: Ven Apr 14, 2000  5:14 pm
Oggetto:: Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity

Europe is a mosaic of cultures, traditions, languages. The wealth of Europe
stems from this diversity and so does its future.

This area of our new myEurope website focuses on projects, resources and
activities related to our European cultural diversity.
A special forum is open for you to exchange about multicultural projects
ideas: make it lively and use it freely!
We have also selected a certain number of projects. It is up to you to make
the list grow by submitting your own. A special form is available online for
this purpose.
A relevant set of activities is being implemented to help you raise European
cultural awareness in a friendly and educational way, we hope that your
participation will give the site a very lively European touch and create
some very nice European events in your schools!

We have been selecting resources for you to complement your work about
European Cultural Diversity. If you know of or use resources related to this
theme, please share them with us.

European Citizenship

European Citizenship means being a member of Europe and having fundamental
rights by virtue of it.
Xenophobia, human rights, peace in Europe, discrimination, treaties and
conflicts are subjects very commonly treated by all European teachers.
Here again the site offers a forum for your ideas, projects, activities and
We would like you to use the materials we propose, but also and above all to
invite you to submit your projects and resources, teaching modules and ideas
related to European Citizenship.

Young European Mobility

Young European citizens are free to move across Europe and work in any
European country.
This area of the website is specially focussed on informing and helping
young people and teachers who wish to experience work, studies or experience
real geographical exchanges with European partners.

We have already opened two forums for you:

Requests and Offers for Young European Mobility
This forum is the contact area for the students who are planning to live,
work or study in Europe and for institutes and companies to find available
students ready to move across Europe. This is also the place where you can
look for and find partners schools for your school exchanges.

Practical Experience and Tips Space
If you have experienced or plan to experience a stay in a European country,
as a student, an apprentice, a young employee, this is the space for you to
tell others about what you have learnt or ask others before you go.

We invite you to use them and contribute.

As far as resources are concerned, we have been looking for information
related to employment agencies, EU-funded schemes, European school systems,
European employment regulations, CVs, European travellers languages kits,
user-friendly EURO converters, etc.
If you happen to know of resources and projects that can be useful to
others, please share them with us. Those resources may be in any European

Da:: "Rolando Alberto Borzetti" <>
Data:: Dom Apr 16, 2000  9:34 pm
Oggetto:: Multiethnic Multimedia Channels Europe 2000


All'interno del progetto "Multiethnic Multimedia Channels
Europe 2000", un'iniziativa finanziata dalla Commissione
Europea, e' nata MMC2000, una radio multiculurale e
multilingue online. Gli obiettivi principali di MMC2000 sono
fornire informazioni alle minoranze etniche che vivono in
Europa ed offrire ad un pubblico mondiale informazioni sui
contenuti multiculturali e sulle realta' multietniche.
MMC2000 trasmettera' in 20 lingue e seguira' la legge
fondamentale sulla liberta' di espressione, cosi' da
garantire una programmazione ispirata ai principi
costituzionali democratici europei, ai principi concernenti
l'uguaglianza tra i popoli e l'integrita' e la liberta'
Data: 12 aprile 2000

Rolando A.B

Condividi questo articolo

in 2000/2007 - lo storico di dw-intercultura: Marino Bocchi - Che fare?Maria Teresa Marziali e la Biblioteca delle GenerazioniSettanta iscritti in pochi giorni - Chi c'e' in listaI TEMI - Libri di testosegnalazione siti: La Banca dati delle ProfessionalitàAppunti per una pedagogia interculturale di Maria Teresa TaralloLa formazioneChi c'e' in lista? - Francesco Forti da Ginevra, la citta' del ''meticciato culturale'' - Apr 9, 2000I TEMI - dossier zingariIn Europa - Cultural Diversity - European Citizenship - Young European Mobility - Apr 14, 2000L'AZIONE - Il movimento per i diritti<b>Il dialogo interreligioso </b><b>La memoria </b> Ricordare lo sterminio per costruire una società senza razzismoI TEMI <b>L'Italiano per stranieri</b>I TEMI - <b>La Pace</b> IL SOLE, AL DI LA' DELLE NUVOLE - Un percorso di educazione alla Pace<b>La mediazione culturale</b>  

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